Dynamic Gain
Dynamic Gain is a big data solution developed by IQinAbox in collaboration with Danish Crown. The daily gain of individual pigs are estimated as soon as they are delivered to the slaughterhouse. This reveals weekly changes in daily gain and provides new insights into the dynamics of pig production compared to the static daily gain estimates provided in traditional production reports calculated 4 times a year.
Insight and value
IQinAbox has developed Dynamic Gain using data from more than 100 Danish slaughter pig herds. Using advanced algorithms and stochastic models, we estimate the daily gain for each pig. By combining data across herds, our analyses provide new groundbreaking insights into the dynamics and variability of the daily gain of slaughter pigs.
Using insights from Dynamic Gain across herds, IQinAbox creates value for the individual pig producer by helping to optimize feeding and delivery strategies, as well as providing insight into the quality and homogeneity of the finisher pigs provided by the pig suppliers.
Dynamic Gain utilizes existing data – including slaughter records and data about insertions of pigs to the farm. For many slaughter pig producers, this information is already available from their slaughterhouse and their transport company.